Since 1998, Tecor designs and implements automation in buildings and residential properties according to the customer needs with reliability and compatibility to any future demand.


The essence of home automation.
We breath life into buildings through solutions with elegant form and simple to use.

Low operational & maintenance cost
Energy Saving
Added value to the building itself
Increased productivity of the people in the fully-automated corporate environment
Easy to use application to control every automation
Convert your building to a multi-use one, only with the use of dynamic lighting control


Automation systems can create modern buildings with complexity and non-user friendly. We believe that we should be able to control everything with the simplest way. Considering that, we follow 4 steps:


It is a need to spend some time with the customer for designing the best solution for him. Based to our 20 years of experience and expertice and taking consideration his needs, we design and present our proposal for comment and approval. Based on feedback, we develop the conceptual design into a preliminary design package with drawings, budgets and other technical information to ensure that any regulation and technical requirements are met. On approval, the design is developed into a final construction package from which the project can be built.


We are there to the final hand-over of a project. We work with the construction team to ensure the design is implemented as designed to achieve the best possible result.


KNX Certified Patners and Engineers bring their knowledge and expertise, working both for fulfilling customer needs and covering the project requirements.


Various systems are installed in a Building.  KNX Technology brings them together under one supervision system. Human management is  the critical issue and the main part of the organisation of the project. Human Integration is the lead for Systems Integration and Connectivity. We make sure every device and every system is operating and able to communicate with each-other.


We are committed, with graduates in engineering and specialists in Lighting Design, Audio/Video Integration, Network Engineering and Application Development, to apply state-of-the-art automation technology and create  human-centered building systems.